
X-Pet's First Super Hero Adventure

from 7:30pm Sun, 12 Jun 2016
to 1:30pm Mon, 13 Jun 2016

by Nonny Mouse
Posted: over 8 years ago
Updated: over 8 years ago by Bonnie da Westie
Visible to: public

Time zone: Europe/Stockholm
Reminder: 2 hours before
Ends: 01:30pm (duration is about 18 hours)

X-Pets first adventure! Excited? You should be!


The first adventure for X-Pets takes place at Wimbledon Tennis Tournament, London, UK.

A number of tennis balls have been interferred with and packed with explosives. X-Pets must find those balls and either defuse them or take them to a safe place to detonate them. 

X-Pets can wear a mask or their Super Hero costumes if they want to, but if you’ve got a super power then you want the world to know about it right?
 So just turning up as nature intended is just fine!

The whole mission will last 24hrs to take into account the different time zones of X-Pet members. It doesn’t mean if you’re an X-Pet in Australia you have to get up in the middle of the night to check your balls!

There is no script, just a flexible storyline, so you can jump in as and when you want.

Be prepared you Super Heroes! Be there, Be funny and most importantly Be safe!


Church Rd, London SW19 5AE