
Sunday 13th December XPets Adventure!

Sun, 13 Dec 2020
from 7:00pm to 8:00pm

by Bonnie da Westie
Posted: about 4 years ago
Updated: about 4 years ago by Angel Bonnie da Westie
Visible to: public

Time zone: Europe/Stockholm
Reminder: 2 hours before
Ends: 08:00pm (duration is about 1 hour)

This month we are going by sleigh to the North Pole to meet and dine with Santa Claus!
But before we can sit down and feast we have to find some missing items.
There are 6 different items. We have to find one of each item except the mince pies. We have hidden several of those in the pics we will tweet.
You have to make a note of which pics each of the items are in, and at the same time add up how many mince pies you can find.
We will then have the photo competition as usual, where you have to make up a snappy slogan.
At the end of the photo competition we can sit down and enjoy our Christmas Dinner with Santa while admin sort out who’s won this month’s competition. Good luck XPets!
See you there at 7pm and wear some warm clothing!


Juoksengi, 957 32 Övertorneå, Sweden

  • [2020-Dec-12 01:16 AM] Angel Bonnie da Westie: Updated

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