Sun, 10 Nov 2019
from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
by Nonny Mouse
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: about 5 years ago
by Nonny Mouse
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Time zone: Europe/Stockholm
Reminder: None
(duration is about 1 hour)
Pushkar Camel Fair, Rajasthan, India
Every November in accordance with the lunar cycle, the normally tranquil lakeside town of Pushkar changes completely thanks to the camel festival. This vibrant and colourful event lasts for 12 days, the first five of which are devoted to the buying and selling of camels, horses, cows, goats and sheep. With various other festivities, such as camel musical chairs and camel beauty contests,
Local farmers and traders from all over the desert state of Rajasthan will come here to sell anything from camels, bulls, prized horses and much more. But, there is so much more to this festival than just trading animals. You can even get involved with camel safaris, enjoy the delights of the crazy local funfair and compete in moustache or turban tying contests!
The camel fair is fun, but Pushkar itself is a true hidden gem in Rajasthan. It’s a moment of calm amongst the chaos of the bigger cities.
The is a huge beautiful holy lake and the only Brahma temple in the world.
Years ago, the sand dunes used to be covered with up to 50,000 camels. However, unfortunately the number of camels being sold at the fair has dwindled dramatically and the fair definitely isn’t what it used to be. These days, it’s much more commercialised and tourist-focused. The camel races are definitely a highlight, although the comical beauty contests featuring elaborately adorned and shaved camels are also amusing. There’s temple dancing, folk and fusion music concerts, spiritual and heritage walks, adventure zone, and an arts and crafts bazaar as well. And, of course, the fair would be incomplete without a moustache competition! There are also different contests including camel musical chairs!
There are many stalls selling anything and everything including organic, handmade camel products (such as camel wool shawls and notebooks made from camel dung).
The Pushkar Fair is a livestock festival which happens annually and falls on the Kartik moon according to the Hindu astrological calendar. Kartik Poornima is the full moon day and the main day of the fair. This is also where you will catch hundreds of Hindus bathing in Pushkar’s holy lake. According to legend, this is the day that Lord Brahma, the creator of the world in Hindu mythology, created the very lake which still stands today.
Pilgrims come to the festival to bathe in the holy waters of Pushkar’s lake and be absolved of their sins. The two days around the full moon are considered to be the most auspicious time of the year for bathing in the lake. Those who bathe on the day of the full moon are said to receive special blessings.
The camel fair is fun, but Pushkar itself is a true hidden gem in Rajasthan. It’s a moment of calm amongst the chaos of the bigger cities.
The is a huge beautiful holy lake and the only Brahma temple in the world.
Sounds great fun huh? But wait, as usual there is a villain trying to spoil the fun! Vin Daloo and his side kick Sam Osa have travelled to the fair with the intent of stealing all the camel pom poms stopping the most beautiful camel contest taking place. They’ve already stolen and stashed hundreds already, we have to stop them stealing anymore and and then count up the pom poms to make sure we’ve go them all!
After the mission there’s 3 questions to answer in the quiz and the usual photo competition! So we hope to save the day and have a fab time! See you there Super Heroes!
You can download this intel as a pdf file all the answers to the quiz are in the intel!
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